John Lee
The artwork of John Lee employs an Olde World style influenced by Medieval and Renaissance art. In his over thirty years of experience he has created a wide range of paintings and woodcarvings which reflect his love of myth, legend, lore and history. His unique style of Olde World art with a modern touch is found in a variety of shops, galleries and private collections in the US and Europe. All woodcarvings and paintings created by John Lee are handcrafted, one of a kind originals. Each piece of wood used in these carvings is chosen to match the purpose of its design. Hand chosen gems, semi-precious stones and hand-blown glass punctuate the design in many pieces. He is a master at his craft and will work with you to design the most fitting piece for your intent. John's custom work will make a great gift or a stunning addition to any home or office decor! Take a moment and let your eyes and mind wander through the much loved creations on this site.